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                                     , on this Memorial Day, thanks all in the Armed Services and remembers those who fell defending our country.

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Lisa Rovick and Susan Weintrob

Read Susan's Foodie Lit review of Clara's Kitchen, Depression Era cooking with Clara Cannucciari, who had her own youtube cooking show in her 90's!

I'm Hungry! What's to eat!

5 Easy and Healthy snacks


I'm hungry! I'm hungry!! I need to eat now!  


Here's what you can do when you, your children or other family members come home and are hungry. Now!  


We have 5 suggestions for easy and healthy snacks that will satisfy any hungry child or adult. Read on to see our suggestions for fast, easy and filling snacks. 

Great snacks for Memorial Day.

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Eat, Read and Dream. Order for yourself or a favorite person!!  Inspired by my Foodie Lit columns and available on Amazon. Now we have a Gold Medal from Reader's Favorite and First Place for Chanticleer Non-Fiction.

Check out Susan's editing and content strategy services, Editing Unlimited!

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