Home made Gifts in a Jar
Home made gifts are personal, can keep to your budget and involve your whole family! Gifts in a jar are great for projects for school, scouts, churches, synagogues, friends and family.
Here are 3 gifts in a jar that we have made.
Jalepeño infused vinegar:
1. Take any jar with a lid, wash with soap and water, rinse thoroughly and pour boiling water injar and on lid to sterilize.
2. Heat white vinegar to the boiling point but do not boil. Pour over red or green jalapeño pepper, sliced or whole. Sliced give a hotter flavor. Screw lid on, let cool and keep in refrigerator. Use a splash or two for giving a zing to a salad dressing, stir fry, chili or in place of Tobasco sauce. When liquid is getting low, just add more vinegar!
3. Be careful not to get your fingers in your eyes as the vinegar is very spicy!! Wash hands thoroughly after you're done. Adults need to supervise children, if the younger set is involved in this one.

Can you smell the aroma?? Here is an easy to make gift that will surely be appreciated. Kids can easily make this one without the added liquor.
Chocolate Irish Cream Cocoa
2 packages Hot Cocoa Mix
2 tablespoons chocolate chips
1/3 cup mini marshmellows
1. Add the Cocoa mix to the jar first. Sprinkle the chocolate chips next. The marshmellows make the 3rd layer. Close lid tightly and tie on a mini Irish Cream.
To make:
1. Add everything in the jar to a pot with 2 cups milk and heat until hot.
2. Pour into 2 glasses and add Irish Cream. Yum!!
Dairy Free: Use dairy free chocolate and non-dairy milk, such as almond or soy.

Rosemary: Many herbs have meanings beyond their culinary uses, such as rosemary, for remembrance. You can use any dried herb for a gift, making sure the herbs are totally dry before putting them into a jar. We use rosemary all the time for grilled vegetables, in savory breads, in spice rubs and on top of roasted chicken or turkey. Perfect for Chanukah, Christmas or any holiday meal!
Roasted Root Vegetable Fries with Rosemary and Thyme
3 sprigs rosemary, stem removed or 2-3 tablespoons
1 teaspoon thyme
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup olive oil
1 pound carrots
1 pound parsnips
1 pound sweet potatoes
1. Mix olive oil, rosemary, thyeme, salt and pepper together. Place in large zip lock bag and add olive oil.
2. Cut vegetables into equal sized French Fry shapes. Place in zip lock bag and toss to cover with oil and spices. Place on parchment lined baking sheet tray in a single layer.
3. Roast in 400 degree oven for 15 minutes. Stir around on pan and then bake another 15 minutes or until vegetables are cooked and slightly browned.