A Salad Dressing a Day

Sunday: Avocado-Lemon Dressing. Everydayhappyfoods.com
Monday: Balsamic Vinaigrette. TheKitchn.com
Tuesday: Dijon Dressing MrFood.com
Wednesday: Fast Honey-Mustard Salad Dressing TasteofHome
Thursday: Roasted Garlic Blessthismessplease.com
Friday: All Purpose Shaker Vinaigrette JoyofKosher
Saturday: Fresh Raspberry Vinaigrette Redbookmagazine
Salad dressings are easy to put together. You can whisk in a bowl, puree in a blender or shake in a jar. Any of these methods can be done in 5 minutes or less and you have homemade preservative-free dressings, great for salads. Many commercial salad dressings are often high in sugar, salt and chemicals. Cheaper, more nutritious and so easy to make, homemade dressings give salads a tang, a sweetness or a pique to draw you to eating salads frequently! Homemade dressings keep in the refrigerator for 7-10 days.
Traditional salad dressing ratio:
3 parts oil or fat
1 part vinegar
Sweeteners: (add to taste)
Maple syrup, honey, agave, stevia, brown sugar, jam
Emulsifers (to make creamy and keep from separating)
Mustard, humus, avocado, soaked nuts, mayonnaise
Herbs and spices
minced garlic, ginger, herbs
Salt, pepper
Soy sauce and sesame oil