Come and Join the Fun!
The first ever indieBRAG Book Blitz
Celebrate the Graham Saga by Anna Belfrage
Starting September 21
at http://www.bragmedallion.com
Join us on Facebook for Dancing, Food and Music.
Visit with our bloggers :
to meet the love of Alexandra Lind's life- Matthew Graham
to travel the Atlantic in the 17th century where Matthew
meets the pirate -Jesamiah Acorne!
to share recipes with our everydayhappyfoods blogger Susan Weintrob
when she drops through the veil to visit with Alex in her 17th century kitchen.
to learn more about writing Historical Fiction.
to join the Grahams as they learn about the Native Americans
of Maryland to hear War stories.
The Schedule
Sept. 21, The Maiden’s Court. http://www.themaidenscourt.blogspot.com
Sept. 22: Of History and Kings. http://www.ofhistoryandkings.blogspot.com
Sept. 23: Cooking with Alex. http://everydayhappyfoods.com
Sept. 24: Just One More Chapter. www.justonemorechapter.com
Sept. 25: Layered Pages. www.layeredpages.com
Sept. 25: The Many World of Charlene Newcomb. http://charlenenewcob.com/
Sept. 26: Stuart S. Laing. http://stuartslaing.wordpress.com/
Books sales and Giveaway information will be available during the
indieBRAG Book Blitz