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Put on the menu for Easter or Passover!

Trout Meuniére with Buttered Asparagus

Bring the hostages home.

Trout Meuniere with Asparagus.jpeg

This simple classic French dish is delicious and elegant. Perfect for holiday dinners, such as the upcoming Easter celebration, a Friday night dinner, next month’s Passover, a romantic dinner for two or a treat for oneself. Fish in the Meunière style, translated from French as the miller’s wife, tradition tells us, came from the abundance of flour in the mill. So the miller’s wife sprinkled the fish with flour and sautéed it in butter. And a special dish was born. Fresh trout is doesn’t have a fish flavor that many don’t like. When sautéed after being dredged in flour (matzah meal for Passover), the trout has a beautiful crust and a fantastic texture. Served with fresh Buttered Asparagus, this is a meal you will want to repeat.

Trout Meuniére

Serves 2-3

2 trout fillets, ½ pounds each

1/4 cup flour

½ teaspoon kosher salt

¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

1 tablespoon olive or vegetable oil

2 tablespoons butter

1 tablespoon juice from fresh lemon

2 tablespoons sliced almonds

1 tablespoons drained capers, optional

2 sprigs fresh parsley, chopped

2-3 lemon slices

  1. Wash and pat dry the trout fillets.

  2. Dredge fillets in flour, lightly tapping to remove excess flour.

  3. Lay skin side down in heavy skillet or a pan big enough for fillets to be flat.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

  4. Heat oil and butter in skillet over medium high heat. Add trout skin flesh side down and cook about 4 minutes or until a gold crust has form on the flesh side. You may need to shake the skillet to make sure the trout is not sticking.

  5. Gently flip and cook skin side down for another 2-3 minutes or until a golden crust appears.

  6. Remove fish to a platter you will use for serving.

  7. Turn down heat on stove and add more butter if necessary. Add almonds and toast—this will take only a minute for two, so don’t leave alone as the almonds can quickly burn! Remove almonds to a bowl.

  8. Add capers, if using, and cook for 2-3 minutes until slightly browned. Remove from skillet.

  9. Add more butter if needed. Add parsley and stir. Add lemon juice and stir until lemon juice is combined with bits of the trout left in the pan. 

  10. Remove from heat and carefully spoon over the trout. Sprinkle almonds and capers on top of or around the trout, if using. Serve!

  11.  If you are not going to serve immediately, keep garnishes in separate containers. Tent the fish and refrigerate until ready to serve.  Place trout in an oven proof dish or pan and reheat in a 350 oven until hot. Place on serving plate, sprinkle with almonds and capers, if using and pour lemon sauce over fish.

Expandthetable suggestions

Kosher for Passover: Replace flour with matzah meal.

Other fish:  You may use the meuniére method with flounder, sole, salmon or any mild white fish.

Dairy free: Use olive or other mild vegetable oil


Buttered Asparagus 

Serves 2-3

1 large bunch fresh asparagus

Lemon Sauce

2-3 tablespoons butter

½ teaspoon kosher salt

¼ teaspoon freshly ground pepper

¼ teaspoon garlic powder or 1 garlic clove, minced

1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice


  1. Preheat oven to 400F (200C).

  2. Warm the olive oil and butter in an oven proof pan.

  3. Cut or snap off the fibrous ends of the asparagus. Place the asparagus on the baking sheet in a single level. Gently turn to cover with the oil and butter. Sprinkle salt and pepper on top.

  4. Bake for 10 minutes or until the asparagus are just fork tender. Remove from oven. Sprinkle with garlic powder or garlic cloves. Make squeeze lemon juice on top just before serving.


Expandthetable suggestions:

Green beans: Lemon sauce also great with steamed green beans or borccoli. Add toasted almonds. Also good with roasted sliced zucchini or carrots.

Foodie Lit

There are times that a book sticks in your mind. After reading The Face of God for The Next Generation Indie Book Awards, for which I am a judge, I thought of it often. Anguished and inspiring, Martin Drake, a conniving, corrupt, drunk, genius of a sculptor raises himself up to begin to create real art again. Pushing him is a strange and inspiring priest, Father Manoel, from Brazil, who despises Drake and his art. As the novel progresses, we see that the sculptor and the priest are opposite halves that slowly are revealed to be parts of each. Ironically and irrevocably, they are drawn to each other, inspiring the artist to find passion again in his art and the priest to find purpose in helping the artist regain his faith. The priest thinks, “Perhaps that’s why I am here…Perhaps I’ve been sent to help this man.” And the sculptor thinks, “When he fought against this priest he felt as if he fought against himself.”

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